Are you too thinking about what will be your first travel when this is over? We’re in a troubled and worrisome time with tons of restrictions on our movements – everywhere in Covid! Not only in my province of New Brunswick, Canada, but globally. Could we ever have suspected that life, as we’ve known it,…
25 Things You Absolutely Must Travel With!
We’re in Covid so travel is out of the question for us this year! And oh, how we miss it as I don’t think there’s been a time when we need the mental reprieve of a sunny beach or change of scenery more than we do now. So do we even need this now –…
German Goulash Recipe
Eliza knew her as Oma but I knew her as ‘Mama’. My mom-in-law was the most amazing baker and her skills in traditional German cuisine were no less amazing! But her sweet and sour German Goulash recipe was to die for! From the first time I met Joe’s parents, Mama was so eager to introduce…